Mr. Evgeny Buydinov
Chairman of the Operations Committee
Born on 12 November 1964 in Kimry, Kalinin Region. In 1991 graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute majoring in radio engineering. In 2014 earned an МВА in “Management of Innovations in Telecommunications Companies” from Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI). In 2016 MTUCI awarded Mr. Buydinov a DBА in “Management of Infocommunications Companies”.
From 1991 Mr. Buydinov was employed as a design engineer by MKB Raduga in Dubna. In 1995 he took another job at ZAO Rustel rising from engineer to Deputy Technical Director to Technical Director. From 2007 – Director of Department at OOO Inline Technologies Group. In December 2007 Mr. Buydinov came to work at Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC) as Investment Projects Director – Head of Investment Projects Service. From May 2011 he held the offices of Head of Investment Projects Service and Deputy Director General for Innovative Development at RSCC. In November 2017 Mr. Buydinov was appointed Deputy Director General for Telecommunications Systems Development and Operation.
Author of the RSCC Innovative Development Program. Member of the International Telecommunications Academy. Holder of the Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, Class 2, ministerial awards and company awards, and the Merit Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation for a significant contribution to the implementation of the project of digitizing TV broadcasting in the Russian Federation.
Married, one daughter.