At the invitation of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Cuba, the joint 52nd session of the Board and 27th session of the Operations Committee of the Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications was held in Varadero on 25 June 2024. Ms. Ana Julia Marine López, Vice Minister of Communications of the Republic of Cuba, was elected as the new Chairperson of the Intersputnik Board, succeeding at this post Mr. Vugar Bayramov, who represented the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Important decisions made during the joint session included the approval of Intersputnik's performance results for 2023, the endorsement of further implementation of the project to support young professionals in the Organization's member countries, and the assignment to prepare for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2027 of the International Telecommunication Union.
The Board is the supreme governing body of Intersputnik, comprising representatives of the Organization's member countries. The Board decides on the general policy and long-term goals of Intersputnik. The Operations Committee carries out immediate examination of and decision-making on issues related to the Organization's activity, including technical policies and the development of the Intersputnik international satellite telecommunications system. The Operations Committee is composed of the telecommunications administrations and entities appointed by the member countries.
The joint session was opened by Ms. Ksenia Drozdova, Intersputnik Director General, who extended gratitude to the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Cuba for the invitation to hold the session in Varadero and for the hospitality provided. The Cuban side was represented at the solemn opening ceremony by Ms. Mayra Arevich Marin, Minister of Communications, Ms. Ana Julia Marine López, Vice Minister of Communications, and other guests of honour.
Delegations from the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Cuba, Czech Republic, Hungary, Republic of India, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Republic of Nicaragua, Russian Federation, Federal Republic of Somalia, and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam attended the joint session. Mr. Timothy Adi Ashong, Director General of the Regional African Satellite Communications Organization (RASCOM), took part in the session as observer.
The Board and the Operations Committee reviewed the information on the current status and development prospects of the satellite communications industry provided by Mr. Evgeny Buydinov, Chairperson of Intersputnik’s Operations Committee and Deputy Director General for Communications Systems Development and Operation of the Russian Satellite Communications Company. They also considered the report of Ms. Ksenia Drozdova, Intersputnik’s Director General, on the Organization's activity since the last joint session and endorsed the work of the Directorate. Intersputnik kept its focus on interaction with member countries and Signatories, as well as further fostering and expansion of international industry cooperation, including within the UN system and its specialised agencies. The Organization furthered its efforts to maintain the revenues of the Finance Plan through international business activities. One of the most effective strategies for this endeavour was Intersputnik's active participation in industry exhibitions and conferences across regions such as Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central and South-East Asia. This included showcasing at stands independently and in collaboration with Organization's Signatories. As a result, during the reporting period, the Organization succeeded in increasing sales of satellite capacity in Africa by 28% and more than doubled it in Central Asia. Joint satellite projects involving the use by partners of the Organization's orbit and frequency resource are ongoing.
Mr. Andrey Kirillovich, Intersputnik's Director for Strategy, Marketing, and Business Development, provided information on financial support to young professionals in the member countries. Representatives from the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Cuba also shared their personal experiences of attending the International Astronautical Congress 2023 with support from Intersputnik. The Organization considers this activity to be of great importance. In this context, the Board and the Operations Committee resolved to endorse the Directorate's proposals for providing financial support to young professionals in the member countries in 2024.
A major event in 2023 for the global communications industry, and especially for the satellite communications, was the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) of the International Telecommunication Union. Mr. Grigory Baitsur, Director of the Intersputnik Technical Department, presented to the session delegates information on the Organization's participation in the events of WRC-23. The Board and the Operations Committee instructed the Directorate to draft recommendations concerning the Intersputnik’s agreed position on the agenda items of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2027.
In line with the Organization's strategic objective to enhance and broaden international cooperation across various domains, the Board endorsed the draft cooperation agreement between the Regional African Satellite Communications Organization (RASCOM) and Intersputnik. This document was signed following the joint session by Mr. Timothy Adi Ashong, Director General of RASCOM, and Ms. Ksenia Drozdova, Director General of Intersputnik.
The Operations Committee approved the report on the fulfilment of the Finance Plan for 2023 and the report of Intersputnik’s Auditing Commission on findings from the audit of financial and economic activity of the Organization for 2023.
At the invitation of the Ministry of Technology and Communications of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the next joint session of Intersputnik’s Board and Operations Committee will be held from 23 to 25 May 2025 in Luang Prabang.