Results of the joint 50th session of the Board and the 24th session of the Operations Committee

Governing Bodies
April 27, 2022

On 26 April 2022, the joint 50th session of the Board and the 24th session of the Operations Committee of Intersputnik IOSC was carried out. The main outcomes of these events are entry into office of a new Board Chairperson and approval of the 2021 financial results.

Representatives of Intersputnik member countries and organizations-Signatories took part in the event arranged in a remote mode. During the session, Intersputnik IOSC was represented by: Andrey Zhivov, leaving Chairperson of the Board, Deputy Director of the Department of the Development of Mass Media and International Cooperation, Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media; Evgeny Buydinov, Chairperson of the Operations Committee, Deputy Director General for Communications Systems Development and Operation, Russian Satellite Communications Company; Ksenia Drozdova, Director General; representatives of the Directorate.

The session considered the matters regarding development of Intersputnik international satellite telecommunications system based on new satellites and implementation of joint satellite projects using the Organization’s orbit and frequency resource, and approved the amendments to Intersputnik IOSC Operating Agreement, as well as a new version of the Rules of Procedure of the Board and the Rules of Procedure of the Operations Committee.

The session also approved the results of work of the Directorate and the Operations Committee of Intersputnik IOSC, as well as the report on the activity of the Organization, report on the activity of the Operations Committee and the report on the fulfilment of the Finance Plan for 2021.

During the session, it was decided to terminate the Program for the Development of Business in the Field of Space Communications and draw up a Programme of Searching for Potential Partners Interested in Carrying out Space Communications Projects. Such programme should include various forms of incentives for project participants.


New Board Chairperson

One of the key decisions of the joint session was election of Vugar Bayramov, Advisor to the Chairman on International Relations of the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azercosmos), as a new Chairperson of the Intersputnik IOSC Board. The Chairperson will be in office until the end of the 51st session of the Board in 2023.


Further sessions

The Intersputnik Operations Committee determined that the next, 25th session of the Operations Committee will be held on 15 November 2022 in Moscow in a hybrid mode. The joint 51st session of the Board and the 26th session of the Operations Committee of Intersputnik IOSC will be held in Q2 2023 in Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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