Intersputnik to Hold an Information Day Under the Program for the Development of Business in the Field of Space Communications

Development Program
August 27, 2021

On 30 September 2021 there will be held an information day under the Program for the Development of Business in the Field of Space Communications. Invited to attend this event to be hosted by Intersputnik are satellite telecommunications and technology companies interested in obtaining funding for their projects under the Development Program.

More about the Program at

During the information day, it is planned to

·         describe to interested companies the requirements that need to be met by potential participants in the Development Program,

·         review the procedure of submitting applications and holding tenders, including project evaluation criteria as well as the model and conditions of funding, etc.

·         present earlier tenders and “success stories” of projects funded under the Development Program.


The event will kick off on 30 September 2021 at 10 a.m. Moscow time (GMT+3) and will last for one hour.


Provisional agenda for the information day:

Moderator: Vladimir Glebsky, Director, Regional Projects Development Division, Intersputnik.

1.      Presentation: “Information by Intersputnik on the Program for the Development of Business in the Field of Space Communications, its purposes and tasks, as well as opportunities for start-ups”;

2.      Presentation: “Experience in holding the first tenders under the Program and implementing projects; aspects of the Program’s further evolution and information on the next tender”;

3.      Questions and answers.

The event will be held via videoconference on Zoom. To attend, please register at



About the Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications

Founded in 1971, Intersputnik is an international intergovernmental organization, which today unites 26 member countries. The organization’s mission is to contribute to the consolidation and expansion of economic, scientific, technological and cultural relations using satellite telecommunications, video and audio broadcasting and to support cooperation and coordination of the efforts of the member countries aimed at designing, procuring, operating and expanding the satellite telecommunications system of Intersputnik.

Intersputnik’s unique status makes it possible for the organization to do business based on international cooperation. The organization has access to the resources of most satellite operators across the world and major satellite telecommunications systems, including ABS, Azerspace, Belintersat, Eutelsat, Intelsat, SES, Turkmen Hemrasy, Express, and Yamal. Intersputnik makes available to users on all continents the resource of geostationary and non-geostationary satellites and the whole range of up-to-date satellite telecommunications and broadcasting services including the establishment of corporate and department satellite networks, backhauling, broadband access to the Internet, communications with mobile objects, as well as installation of broadcasting distribution networks in any geographic location. Through its subsidiary Isatel, Intersputnik offers full-scale services encompassing the establishment and operation of satellite telecommunications networks, including ground infrastructure.

Owing to its status of an intergovernmental satellite organization, Intersputnik files frequency assignments to satellite networks on various orbits in order to implement projects aimed at establishing satellite telecommunications systems in cooperation with the member countries and signatories of the organization and other partners.

More information on Intersputnik is available at

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