40th session of the Intersputnik Board and 14th session of the Intersputnik Operations Committee

Krakow, Poland
April 23–26, 2012
On Aril 24, 2012, most Intersputnik Members and Signatories met in Cracow on the invitation of the Office of Electronic Communications of the Republic of Poland for the joint XXXX session of the Intersputnik Board and 14th meeting of the Operations Committee.
Mrs. Magdalena Gaj, Representative of the Republic of Poland on the Intersputnik Board, President of the Office of Electronic Communications of the Republic of Poland, was elected Chair of the Board for the next period.
During the opening ceremony of the joint session, Intersputnik’s governing bodies noted the decision of the Government of the Somali Republic to accede to Intersputnik. Thus, the number of the member countries of Intersputnik grew to twenty six. H.E. Mr. M.M. Handule, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Somali Republic to the Russian Federation, spoke at the ceremony and pointed out that Somali’s accession to Intersputnik would help shortly establish a modern national telecommunications infrastructure.
During the joint session, the Board and the Operations Committee reviewed a wide range of issues related to current business and development prospects of Intersputnik. The Director General presented a detailed report on Intersputnik’s performance during the period under review. It was again stressed that the Organization had been rapidly growing and used more satellite capacity in cooperation with a growing number of partners.
Special attention was paid to financial and economic aspects of Intersputnik’s business. The delegates reviewed and approved the report of the Audit Committee on the audit of Intersputnik’s financial and economic performance, and the report on the fulfillment of the 2011 Finance Plan. The Organization’s performance in the period under review won a high appraisal. Such results had been achieved despite the unfavorable financial and economic situation in the world. The Board and the Operations Committee decided to increase Intersputnik’s Share Capital.
The Board and the Operations Committee reviewed issues related to the expansion of the international telecommunications system using new satellites and Intersputnik’s own orbit and spectrum resource in cooperation with interested partners, specifically, progress in the implementation of projects in top-priority positions at 16W and 78E.
The Board and the Operations Committee approved international satellite projects involving the use of Intersputnik’s orbit and spectrum resource and instructed the Directorate to take appropriate action to successfully complete these projects.
The delegates discussed the performance by the Telecommunications Administration of one of the Member Countries of the functions of Intersputnik’s Notifying Administration with respect to several Intersputnik satellite networks filed with the International Telecommunication Union. After the discussion, the joint session decided to confirm the authority of the Telecommunications Administration of the Russian Federation as the Notifying Administration acting on behalf of the Telecommunications Administrations of the Member Countries of Intersputnik.
On the invitation of Russian Satellite Communications Company — the Intersputnik Signatory from the Russian Federation, the next meeting of the Operations Committee will be held in November 2012 in Moscow, Russia. On the invitation of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic, the next joint session of the Board and Operations Committee of Intersputnik will be held in the Kyrgyz Republic in June 2013.
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For details, please contact
Intersputnik: Victor Veshchunov 
+7 (499) 241-45-75, info.media@intersputnik.com

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