12th session of the Intersputnik Operations Committee

Moscow, Russia
December 1, 2011
In response to an invitation from the Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC), a Signatory of the Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications from Russia, delegations of Intersputnik Signatories met in Moscow on December 1, 2010 to attend the 12th meeting of the Operations Committee.
The meeting was opened by Mrs. Ksenia Drozdova, Chair of the Operations Committee, RSCC Deputy Director General.
The Operations Committee reviewed a wide range of issues related to Intersputnik’s current activities and further development. The Organization’s performance in the period under review was described by Mr. Vadim Belov, Intersputnik Director General. In his presentation, Mr. Belov paid special attention to the objectively unfavorable circumstances, which affected Intersputnik’s business in 2010. Still Intersputnik was meeting the targets set in the Finance Plan for 2010. The delegates supported action taken by the Directorate to implement a number of satellite projects using the Organization’s orbit and frequency resource in cooperation with the satellite operators Spacecom and ABS. The Operations Committee approved Intersputnik’s policy aimed at further deepening and stepping up strategic cooperation with RSCC so that Intersputnik could help expand Russia’s satellite fleet. In general, the Operations Committee positively appraised steps taken in the period under review.
The delegates were informed of the further development of Intersputnik’s satellite telecommunications system using Intersputnik’s own space segment. Following the instructions of the Board and the Operations Committee, the Directorate drew up and circulated to all members and Signatories a number of proposals concerning the implementation of the program using Intersputnik’s orbit and frequency resource at 16 degrees West and 78 degrees East. Tentatively, Ukraine, India, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia expressed interest in joining this project. Preliminary consultations showed that it was indeed possible to procure Intersputnik’s own space segment. Also, the Directorate approached major satellite system manufacturers and financing and investment groups and suggested that they consider participating in the project. After reviewing this information, the Operations Committee instructed the Directorate to continue working on the project.
Special attention at the meeting was paid to Intersputnik’s financial and economic indicators. When discussing the corresponding item of the agenda, the Operations Committee approved Intersputnik’s Finance Plan for 2011 and made other decisions on this issue.
Also, the delegates reviewed a report presented by the President of the Organization’s subsidiary Intersputnik Holding, Ltd. and describing steps to be taken to help telecommunications operators run by the holding company out of the difficult economic situation resulting from the global financial and economic crisis. These plans are aimed at minimizing the effect of the crisis on the performance of the companies managed by Intersputnik Holding, Ltd.
The delegates spoke in favor of cooperation between Intersputnik and the Telecommunications Administration of the Russian Federation and supported the conclusion of the Agreement between Intersputnik and the Telecommunications Administration of the Russian Federation governing the conditions and procedure applicable to the performance of the Notifying Administration’s functions by the Russian Telecommunications Administration acting on behalf of a group of Intersputnik member countries.
The Operations Committee discussed and approved the Concept and Plan of festive events to be held on the occasion of Intersputnik’s 40th anniversary to be celebrated in November 2011.

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