Webinar for African and Near Eastern Countries

November 5, 2020

On November 5, 2020 Intersputnik held a webinar for African and Near Eastern countries in cooperation with Isatel LLC and XSat Global.

During the webinar there were given online presentations and there was arranged an additional online round-table discussion.

Our companies' specialists presented up-to-date information on services offered by Intersputnik and Isatel LLC and described the NationSat small telecommunications satellite project, Intersputnik's program of investing in satellite telecommunications business, and the OpenTeleport online platform.

About 100 telecom professionals took part in the event. Among those invited were representatives of Internet providers, manufacturers of satellite telecommunications equipment, and government agencies.

Guests of the webinar actively participated in round-table discussions focused on the following topics: - effect of NGSO satellites on services provided in the region concerned; - cooperation between operators and service providers in the conditions of the pandemic; - the role of the satellite in the digital transformation of society.

The webinar was the last regional online event scheduled by Intersputnik and Isatel LLC for 2020. Such webinars are planned to continue in 2021.

We hope for further cooperation with partners from various geographic regions.

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